The Center for Problem Gambling provides counseling and support services to individuals who need help with their gambling problem. We provide a full range of services, including:

  • Individual counseling
  • Gambling recovery groups
  • Couples and family counseling
  • Support groups for significant others
  • Outreach and education
  • Host Gamblers Anonymous (GA) meetings

We have been funded by New York State since 1996, and are committed to serving all those in need. Treatment is confidential and provided regardless of a person’s ability to pay. Our gambling counselors have significant experience working with problem gambling, and include therapists who are Nationally Certified Gambling Counselors.

Having helped so many people through the years, we know how to help you regain control and restore hope in your life.

Click here to go to the Center for Problem Gambling website.

problem gambling counseling albany ny


For more information or to make an appointment:

Kelly Callander, Administrative Coordinator
518-462-6531, Ext 138